Welcome to the resource hub for Village adopted plans in DeForest. Here, you'll find a wealth of information on the strategic visions, guidelines, plans that shape our community's growth and prosperty. From future land use plans to natural hazard mitigation plans, our collection of adopted documents provide valuable insights into the priorities and aspirations of our village.

Safe Routes to School Plan

The Village of DeForest, Village of Windsor and DeForest Area School District in 2011 adopted a Safe Routes to School Plan, following receipt of a State grant for that purpose. The plan is complete and available by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

The goal of Safe Routes to School is to increase walking and biking to school. The planning process included safety audits at several schools. As you browse the plan you will find school specific and community wide recommendations aimed at increasing walking and biking to school. Implementation of the plan has and will take place on several fronts. Some recommendations are best suited to be advanced at the individual school level while others are best to executed at the community level.

More information on Safe Routes can be found at: http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/

Comprehensive Plan

Resident Participation Opportunity! Share your feedback!

In April 2023, the Village Board adopted DeForest’s updated Comprehensive Plan to guide its long-term growth. The Plan called for an annual review to see how the Village is doing in carrying out the plan and achieving its goals. We’d appreciate resident comment. As of Friday, July 12, 2024 we are concluding the open feedback period. Thank you to those that provided comments or feedback.
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Future Use Map

Redevelopment Plan

Planned Unit Development (PUD Zoning Documents)

Document Library

Some larger neighborhoods—like Conservancy Place, Heritage Gardens, and Savannah Brooks—have developed under Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning. PUDs come along with a customized set of zoning regulations. Below you can find documents that govern new development in these neighborhoods. (NOTE: Some are large files and may take time to load.) Contact the Zoning Administrator for additional information.

Buhler Farms

Chapel Green

Conservancy Place

Diamond Village

Heritage Gardens

Savannah Brooks

Savannah Brooks Amended Final Development Plan (September 2024) (PDF)

Note: There are also final development plans for several individual lots within Savannah Brooks, developed with non-residential and multiple family residential uses.

Dane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Development Review Process Within DeForest's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)

Burke-DeForest-Sun Prairie-Madison Cooperative Plan

Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP)

Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) Study