Street Projects

The Village works on a large number of street construction projects throughout the year. Street reconstruction and resurfacing projects have been planned and budgeted for through our Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Street maintenance projects are approved through the annual budget.

  • Street Reconstruction

    The street surface and utility system beneath are in need of replacement. The project involves removal and replacement of pavement and curb and gutter (as necessary), excavation to replace water, sanitary, and storm sewer mains, addition of gravel base, replacement of driveway aprons (as necessary), spot replacement of sidewalks. This project will disrupt traffic. There will be times during the day when the street is not drivable. Parking on the street will not be possible during construction.

  • Street Resurfacing

    Pavement on this street is deteriorated and is in need of replacement. The work will involve crushing the existing pavement, grading the crushed material into a new base for the street, with limited removal of soft areas, and re-paving. Select curb replacement will be done. Work associated with this project is not likely to affect driveways or private property. The project limits will be just behind the curb or edge of pavement in almost all locations.

  • Street Maintenance: Crack Filling

    This process consists of routing, cleaning and filling cracks and sealing existing transverse and longitudinal joints in the streets. This process will be dusty at times, please be aware that you may want to shut windows if you see the contractor on your street. Street sweeping will occur one to two weeks after the project has been completed. All roads will be open to traffic as much as possible. Please refrain from parking vehicles on the street as this will only delay the process.

  • Street Maintenance: Chip Sealing

    A process that involves an application of liquid asphalt to the street surface, followed by an application of stone chips. This seals cracks in the pavement, and extends the life of the street surface. Immediately after the process is completed, there will be some loose stone chips on the street and in the gutters which is normal. The Village will sweep the streets a few days after chips are applied. The chip sealing process will be completed in one day.